Thursday, 22 November 2012

Aumo. The musical robot.

Finally it takes shape, Well sort of.

After getting my proposal feedback I carried on with my sprint work, First step (after making the script) create Aumo!!

As part of the feedback was to ignore modelling the environment for now and focus on the animation I decided to create the robot and begin my steps on rigging.

Now because Aumo is a main focus I tried out a few ideas on how he was going to be modeled starting with the Head.

An idea with the eyes mounted on antenna like devices. I ended up not
using this design as I wanted to add more features to the face.
An idea with the eyes in a jar floating in a un-known fluid which would act as
eyebrows. As much as i loved this idea the eyes would prove to be very difficult to animate
as they were surrounded by another object.

I began with the face, I based it off an earlier sketch with
the other designs shown above.
Using the box tool i extruded a rough leg shape and
added a stretched cylinder into the middle for a spine.

I then built a rough torso designed to look powerful
and intimidating.
Once this was done i created a small neck joint and
applied the chamfer modifier to the original models.
I used the box tool to create a rough claw shape and auto
smoothed it to make it look neater.
A front view of the completed model before the screen
was added in for emotion display.

Completed after the screen was added.

 Next step, Storyboarding!

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