Sunday, 4 November 2012

3DS Max Modelling for Games - The final book of research....

To round off a week of research, Sketching (Gotta be patient!) and watching far to many Disney films I checked out my final book to help me with the model. For those of you that haven't guessed, This book is one of those generic help ones that tell the reader how to use 3Ds Max and what the suggested plan of action is to get the best result.

This volume is dedicated to Game character, Vehicles and Environment Modelling with guides on low and high polygon modelling. The book also covers advanced techniques like alpha transparency and smoothing groups. This would be useful for the overgrowth in the apocalyptic setting the robot has woken up in as it also has guides for modelling landscapes and buildings in a fallout fashion.

Although the majority of books that I have used as research have been note and take back, I feel that this book will be checked out of the library for the modelling stage and will be referenced alot for guides on texturing with the environment.

Another part of the book that I found interesting was the low poly modelling guide for characters as it was something that I experimented with in my second year as my major model but didn't get the desired effect that I had planned. After looking through the book and reading the tutorials that they include I can see where my model's high polycount came from and where I could have saved time in the long run.

The texturing sections really helped me to understand how to better sort the UV's out on my model when it came down to it and simple steps that would make the texture more professional and visually appealing.


  • Gahan, Andrew. 3ds Max Modeling for Games: insider's Guide to Game Character, Vehicle, and Environment Modeling. Amsterdam: Focal/Elsevier, 2011. Print.

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