Sunday, 24 February 2013

Click, Move click. What is this an rpg?

As i mentioned in my previous blog its getting hard to describe whats happened in these without mentioning key elements that will ruin the finished piece.

However, This week as well as digitally animating I have also been working on some other stuff non digitally. For example I attended a life drawing lesson where I managed to scribble some weight notes down when the model moved or stood in a rest position which I have begun to look into with max. Also attending the lessons that Mike has been offering on Friday afternoons has helped incredibly with new techniques that I hope to incorporate into the final piece.

So all in all, progress has been good!

the main focus recently has been on group project as well as sorting out numerous issues with a off project. I've learnt so much already from experimenting with animation and 3D this module and its really helped me with the "Staying" power of work.

Until next time loyal subscribers, Tutors and Stalkers!

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