So this is a rough guide of how the robot design came to be and how i came up with the look.
The first step was to find the correct human proportions to base the robots body on. I decided to use this book (mentioned in previous post) as it has a wide variety of medically accurate pictures that i could base my robot on.
I decided to use this picture in the end to base my robot on as (I have mentioned repeatedly) the proportions of a male human was my main point. After looking at it and working out where the center of gravity was i created a version to base the robot on.
To create a more brute look to the robot I made the chest wider and longer as well as shortening the legs to make the robot appear more stocky.
I also made the arms longer to give a feel of bio mechanical extension that a robot would have.
This is the final sketch that I plan on basing the 3D model off. Its simplicity means that the model will be low poly and easy to create. It also means i can spend more time focusing on creating the area and animation rather than spending all my time working on the model.
ok, Jack are you satisfied with this? Have you asked Phil whether he has any advice to offer you on the concept before you move forward? It would be good to see some links to the kind of work you are looking at as a model for the kind of thing you are hoping to create. You say you want the robot to change its mood, but at the moment i am really unclear about how it is going to do this and therefore what features it is important for the robot to have in the final design so it can represent mood change in the way you want.